(800) 234-1261 | info@sensa.cc | code of ethics
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Sensa Business Communications

Code of ethics

Sensa subscribes to the Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators of the International Association of Business Communicators.

Corporate information


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Contents of this site: copyright 2000-2005 by Sensa Business Communications.






Sensa is a Colorado-based public relations agency committed to quality in the marketplace.

Our goal is helping organizations become more profitable and productive. We do this by helping them communicate better with three basic audiences:




Sensa challenges organizations to ask:

What benefits do we offer these three audiences?

Can we communicate and sell these benefits better than we do now?

Sensa offers six services:



Media and community relations



Design and production (Web and traditional media)

Clients have included education, manufacturing, merchandising, photography, public relations, communications, and defense-related organizations.

Write or call...

Sensa Business Communications
2416 Sheffield Circle West
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1636
click here for map

(800) 234-1261 or (970) 221-5898
Fax (760) 437-3210

(800) 234-1261 | info@sensa.cc | code of ethics
corporate information | map

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